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Writer's pictureShootinguy

The Constitution. Under attack. Again.

It's coming from a Presidential candidate. "Folks, don't apologize at all about the Second Amendment," said Joe Biden at a recent public forum, explaining how the amendment allows for limitations and he feels people who want to preserve the constitution, make things up. "These guys will tell you, ‘the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots.' Give me a break."

What Joe Biden is forgetting is that's a quote from Thomas Jefferson. Biden has stated previously how Jefferson is one of his favorite presidents. Why is Joe disparaging the idea that the Second Amendment exists to resist tyranny? Then Biden states: "It violates no one’s Second Amendment right to say that you can’t own certain weapons," Wrong again. -...shall not be infringed-.

This week, Biden declared that the “Second Amendment exists but that it does not say everyone is “entitled” to own a gun". Joe Biden missed it again. it is our 2nd Amendment Right. This is what Merriam Webster says of the word- Right

: something to which one has a just claim: such as the power or privilege to which one is justly entitled.

Here's something to remember:

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