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Writer's pictureShootinguy

Anti-Activist students are being ignored and even punished?

puzzled look.

We aren't making this stuff up. You don't see the whole picture when you are bombarded by left wing media. All they want to do is shape your way of thinking. Let us share with you some lost-in-the-noise stories to help you shape your own opinion. Stay informed.

First: An Ohio high school student said he tried to stay apolitical during the National Walkout Day over gun violence but was suspended for his choice to remain in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, going to study hall. He decided, instead, to stay in class for about 20 minutes doing homework after his teacher and fellow classmates left and locked the door.

Second: Also this Utah teen chooses not to walk out, but stays in class, writes thank you notes

“I stayed in class, and I was one of the only ones in my class but I stayed,”

“...wrote 17 thank you notes to 17 different people in our lives to honor the lives,” the teen said.

And one more:

Student Stays Inside And Prays During Walkout

While hundreds of students across the school walked out of class during Wednesday's nationwide walkout.



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